Strategic and operational C2 system based on web based architecture with TDL capabilities.

WACCS with a WEB-based Architecture based on microservices runs on more than one HQ in a fully synchronized manner, with additional functionalities like On Scene Tactical Command (OTC) and TASK Group (HVU focused) concept introduced as well as Blue-Orange Force for Naval exercises and Floating HQ (FHQ) in case no other Land Based Command Center or HQ is available.


•  Based on Open and Microservice Architectures
•  Web Based User Interfaces
•  2D / 3D Map Display and 2D / 3D Drawing Capability
•  Deployable on Standard COTS Hardware
•  Supports clustering mechanisms
•  Utilizes cloud technologies
•  Support different communication protocols (RestFull Web Services, Enterprise DDS, Apache Kafka, Web Socket, Raw Socket)
•  Command and control capability over wide area network
•  Provide common services (Authentication & Authorization, GIS, Enterprise Data Distribution, Alert Management, Plan & Task Management)
•  Provide domain specific services (Track Management, Drawing, RPLA-Reference Point/Line/Area)
•  Provide robust and tested feature for other systems
•  Minimize development effort for new project


Pakistan Deniz Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı
  • Koordineli Deniz Operasyon Yönetim Sistemi (NIXS)
  • Koordineli Deniz Operasyon Yönetim Sistemi (NIXS OTC)
HAVELSAN / Türk Sahil Güvenlik Komutanlığı
  • Sahil Gözetleme Radar Sistemi Altyapısı